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History of Social Media Infographic

History of Social Media Infographic

I am a sucker for infographics. I just plain love them. They have the ability to convey a message with such clarity and speed that it sometimes makes me feel like I should never type another word again. Anyway, check out this great infographic from about the history of social media. It’s pretty amazing.

However, I don’t agree with the infographic having the words “THE END” at the bottom. We’re far from the end. The social web is just beginning and while I think tools like Facebook and Twitter will play a key role in the future, there is a lot of space for new ideas and connecting in ways we haven’t even come up with yet.

Take for instance, DeviantArt, one of the first true social networks for artists that has been around since 2000 and continues to grow at a rapid clip.

What do you think? Does the social web end with Facebook and Twitter or will there be something bigger and better?

About the author / Jillian Koeneman

Juiced about social media & digital. Entrepreneur. Founder @freshlimemktg | Connector. #MSU Alum. #Detroit native. Dog lover.

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